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Odds & Ends (Nov/Dec 2017)

Reading is Fundamental
Got a hankering for books? Like getting free stuff? The Newburgh Book Exchange is for you.

Every Sunday - even during the winter (except on severe weather days) - The Newburgh Book Exchange opens from 1pm to 4pm. Bring an unwanted book or two and a friend, as their bevy of books boasts a little something for readers of all ages. 

The best part? Every book is totally free. Monetary donations are accepted, but you don't need your wallet to be able  snag a few good reads for your collection.  
Stop by the Fullerton Mansion at 297 Grand Street and get your read on.

Next Stop: Your House

The Crawford House
The Newburgh Historical Society wants you (well, your house, really).

The Society is extending an invitation to homeowners to apply to have their homes on this year's Candlelight Tour. 
Billed as the agency's premier marketing event, proceeds support the restoration of the 1830s Crawford House and the mission of the Historical Society: To bring the past to today's residents and visitors. 

To find out more about opening your home for the tour, call 845.561.2585, or email

Doing the Most Good
Miles of Hope offers year-round support
for people in treatment for beast cancer.
While many are encouraged to be aware of breast cancer in October, one area agency is making sure those dealing with the disease get attention the other 11 months of the year, too.

The Miles of Hope Breast Cancer Foundation was established in 2004 to fund support services for people affected by breast cancer in the Hudson Valley. The Foundation was started by Dana Effron and Cathy Varunok, two community activists who saw a need for increased services for people with breast cancer and their families and filled it.

All funds raised by the public charity are used to support programs in eight Hudson Valley counties, including services like massage therapy, reiki, acupuncture, exercise/dance and art therapy to enhance recovery; scholarships for college-bound high school seniors; a peer-to-peer program and the Medical Gap Care Fund for those with treatment costs not covered by health insurance.
For information about Miles of Hope, donating, finding assistance or volunteering, log onto


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